UKCPS 17th Annual Open Exhibition

I took the plunge and entered a piece of my work into the UK Coloured Pencil Society 17th Annual Open exhibition. I didn't have any expectations as this is a juried exhibition - so I was stunned to have been one of 66 artists selected to take part in this annual showcase of coloured pencil work.
The piece selected is "Donnah and Her Amazing Technicolour Scarf" - this is a portrait of a friend, completed solely in coloured pencils on pastel paper.
The exhibition takes place at the Stratford ArtsHouse from Wednesday 2nd May until Friday 11th May 2018.
If you are in the area please do pop in and take a look at the variety of work on display. I will be volunteering as a steward on Sunday 6th May and Wednesday 9th May - please say hi!
For more details:
Stratford ArtsHouse, 14 Rother Street, Stratford-upon-Avon, CV37 6LU
2nd to 11th May 2018